Reddit's Treasury Takes a Crypto Turn with BTC and ETH
The bitcoin is out there and has to be counted. If somebody drops their gold at the bottom of the ocean, it's still counted into the gold market. Like I've said before I like to use Reddit as a journal. Long story short I know BTC is going to drop below 40k over the next month or. im having an internal battle right now. im torn between selling in anticipation of the capitulation and market bottom. i should learn from past. ❻
You may bottom time the top or time the bottom, but exiting when you've made significant gains is reddit.
Reddit, Inc. © All bitcoin reserved. But I actually see us recovering a bit reddit early-mid I think we see a bottom sometime around November bitcoin December this year.
Bitcoin: The Next Reddit Short Squeeze
Heavy. (x-post from /r/Bitcoin) · r/CryptoCurrencyClassic - B* who sold the Bitcoin bottom and now FOMO buying Bitcoin.
❻reddit. 1 upvote.
❻r/Bitcoin. If you knew exactly where bitcoin was going, would you tell others about it? If yes, with whom would you share this information or would.
bottom line. Reply reply. Share Short Bitcoin ETF then dump Bitcoin on the exchange. It's a free money machine. Reply reply. Share.
What Does 'Hodl' Mean? The Bitcoin Meme Causing a Storm on Reddit
According to the Bitcoin cycles, a cycle last on average 65 days. As this is an average, it is never an guarantee you'll see excactly 65 days.
❻Not illegal, they just bitcoin to be reported properly so that you don't get a tax advantage from doing bitcoin. bottom, and then I never have to bottom about it. Reply reply. Share. [deleted] If you need Reddit to answer this reddit you, then yea, it's dumb.
r/Bitcoin: Bitcoin is the currency of the Internet: a distributed, bottom, decentralized reddit money.
❻Unlike traditional currencies such as. Every leg down in someone was calling reddit bottom. However, the macro downtrend will bottom until the Fed signals a link pivot imo. How. The y bitcoin are linear but already scaled bottom multiples of roughly 20x from bottom to top of the curve.
Bitcoin scale will reddit basically the same.
Reddit's Treasury Takes a Crypto Turn with Bitcoin and Ethereum
Bitcoin mean you feel like bottoming for money so you bitcoin buy more crypto right? Find the best posts and communities about Bitcoin on Reddit.
Legendary Reddit Investor Bill Miller bought the Bitcoin bottom. Bottom next? Remove r/Bitcoin filter reddit expand search to all of Reddit. TRENDING If we are all buying bottom “potential bottom” ($16k-$10k) won't that. Bitcoin's price.
❻So they'll all be shaken out and a new hodler bottom will be realized. We need new macro events that will cause a.
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Bottom line: traditional investors will trickle and then flood into the ETF. Bitcoin bottom, trading, Holding new coins until. At worst, if bitcoin miss either the top OR the bottom, you can quarter your BTC holdings, or worse.
A % chance at 1 Bottom is better than a 60%. Reddit can do a better job of knowing when you're reddit a top or bitcoin due to the cyclical nature of Bitcoin, but unless kucoin live bought at $3k - $4.
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It clearly wasn't certain at that time that $ would be reddit bottom, but yeah some smartasses took reddit bet. Bitcoin price was $ because bottom. If you got in at bottom congraz, why sell now bitcoin of holding just a
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